Welcome to my Blog

So as many of you know, I love photography. So I thought I'd start posting, and writing about some of the sessions I have. I'll post some of the photos that I quickly edited for you all to see.

Email with any questions, or suggestions.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nick Penna Take 2

Friday night I finished up Nick Penna's Senior Portraits.  It's nice to see that there are some high school kids out there who have grown into good people!

Nick wanted to take some shots around his family's home.  He first said "They (pretty sure he meant "they" being his mom and sister) wanted to use the rockwall.  So we ventured over that way, and well, the only nice part of the rockwall was the flowers growing (very pretty I might add), and he turned to me and said "They are kind of gay"....okay if this was a female subject, the flowers would be fine to use, but Nick being male, and manly and all I agreed with him! 

Thank you for allowing me to shoot your senior portraits!  Oh, and thanks for letting me exploit your handsome face for my portfolio.  Here are some shots from the second session.

There's a picture of Nick on a Kobota tractor to go along with this pose! 

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