Welcome to my Blog

So as many of you know, I love photography. So I thought I'd start posting, and writing about some of the sessions I have. I'll post some of the photos that I quickly edited for you all to see.

Email with any questions, or suggestions.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Irish Clan!

So I have a couple of repeat customers...Alicia and Jeff being my longest running.  I started taking Alicia, Jordan and Morgan's photos many years ago (oh and I also babysat for them).  Then Jeff came in the picture (I knew right away he was a keeper, GO ALICIA!), then I was fortunate enough to photograph their intimate wedding.  After the wedding, we continued to take family portraits...mostly at Higgins Beach, but one time on Peaks Island.  The news that Alicia was expecting twins was announced, and the Irish clan was growing!  How exciting!  This past summer, we shot the family of 6  at Higgins!  It was fun to photograph Ayden and Isabela playing in the sand.  Here are some photos!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mallory & Ryan's Engagment Session

My cousin, Mallory Adams, is finally marrying her long time boyfriend, now fiance, Ryan Parker.  They met in college, and dated for 6 years, and 364 days, until he FINALLY popped the question!  I still remember the morning my family found out.  I've never seen my mom, and aunts, scream, jump and hug the way they did that morning.  We were all gathered at my aunt's house to make our Christmas candy.  (A tradition we carried on after my memere passed on).  Mallory set some champagne on the counter and flashed her hand around waiting for someone to notice.  We errupted with excitement!  Our candy making day turned into an engagement party with my whole family!  We haven't had a wedding in our family since my older cousin got married 19 years ago!

So anyways, its been exciting year of planning!  I was able to experience Mallory picking out her wedding gown!  Such a treat...as you know I'm a hopeless romantic and love a good episode of Say Yes to the Dress!  The bachelorette party, and shower came and went.  Now, with the wedding being less than 3 weeks ago, the big day shall be here before we know it.

Here are some photos from their engagement session.  We headed out to SMCC, and explored a bit.  Didn't realize how great it was to shoot there!  They were naturals (and I was a little nervous)!  Oh, by the way, our family isn't overly affectionate, and until this night, I had never seen Ryan and Mallory actually kiss!

Love you both, and thank you for letting me take part in your big day!  I hope there is plenty of room on the dance floor...these dancing feet can't wait to boogie!

Cat & PJ's Engagment Session....

So, as a wedding gift to my friends, Cat & PJ, I shot their engagement session.  We headed down to Old Orchard Beach on an overcast Sunday.  Actually, the weather was kind of perfect for shooting, really worked well with the dramatic shadows for under the pier. 

Cat & PJ were naturals in front of the camera.  You can tell how in love they are, and very comfortable with being affectionate.  They were so easy to photograph, therefore making my photos look amazing!

Congrats now to Cat & PJ Richard!  Sorry this blog was a long time coming... Love you two!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Miss Tessa Rose McBride - 3 Months Old

Hello All...been a little busy lately with Zumba, my apologies.  Once the nicer weather picks up, I'll be picking up my camera more often.

So back in February, (like I said, I've been busy!), my good friends Andrea and Keith McBride asked me to take some photos of Tessa.  So off I went up to Gorham, and walked into a house filled with yummy smells.  No, the dogs didn't just get a bath, but it was Keith making up a delicious brunch for us.  He made a beautiful fruit salad, pancakes, bacon (which Geneveve discovered she liked!), eggs (if my memory serves me..), and some sort of apple thing... Sorry Keith for not remembering the name!  Anyways, once my tummy was full, we went up into the spare bedroom and took some photos.  Here are some of my favorites below!

Hope everyone is surviving this NEVER ENDING winter....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1-11-11 Hawkins Wedding

So yesterday, 1-11-11, I shot the wedding of Molly Mitton and John Hawkins.  The family affair was held at the Stockhouse in Westbrook.  The atmosphere was very casual, comfortable and the food was delicious.  Loved it when I found Molly walking around, munching on a piece of garlic bread!  Love it!!  Here are some photos of the event, watch for my colorful commentary :-).

Beth will probably kill me for posting this, but these are tears of joy! 

The Mitton's have BEAUTIFUL smiles.  Love how happy Molly is.

Adam...he was busting a move all night!

Little jealous of Molly's bling!

Miss Bailey (Boo Boo)....

Lock up  your girls....look at those eyes!

Hilarious...I think they were poking fun at the emotion that overcame Beth...

Open up wide James!

They're next!

Adam, still shaking it!

They are a dancing family...my kind of family!

Adam and Bailey, this is how you do the worm!

The ladies showing me how THEY Zumba!

They all love Wes....just a big kid.

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins!!! 

PS...I hope to find a guy like John someday...Molly, you've given me hope!